15 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji persoalan tata laksana nilai ekonomi karbon pra dan pasca terbitnya peraturan presiden nomor 98 tahun 2021 jo peraturan Menteri lingkungan hidup dan kehutanan nomor 21 tahun 2022 tentang tata laksana penerapan nilai ekonomi karbon. Potensi hutan dan lahan, harus dimaksimalkan melalui integrasi dan rencana aksi daerah. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ekonomi karbon, selama ini berjalan masih bersifat sukarela (voluntary). Menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis doktrinal, dengan pendekatan studi kepustakaan (library research). Selanjutnya menggunakan sumber data sekunder berupa bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan tersier, dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian pertama, tata laksana ekonomi karbon pra Perpres Nomor 98 tahun 2021 jo Permenlhk Nomor 21 tahun 2022, telah dilaksanakan kurang lebih selama 15 tahun dan bersifat sukarela (voluntary) oleh kelompok masyarakat/komunitas penggiat lingkungan, baik dengan mekanisme skema Plan Vivo dan skema lainnya. Kegiatannya bersifat dua pihak (business to business) yaitu pihak komunitas dan pihak investor luar negeri. Kedua, Diterbitkannya Perpres Nomor 98 tahun 2021 jo Permenlhk Nomor 21 tahun 2022, maka kegiatan ekonomi karbon yang dilakukan sebelum regulasi tersebut lahir, diwajibkan (mandatory) untuk melakukan penyesuaian melalui skema Sistem Registri Nasional Pengendalian Perubahan Iklim (SRN PPI). Lahirnya regulasi aquo, memberikan kepastian hukum pelaksanaan nilai ekonomi karbon di Indonesia.   Abstract: This study aims to examine the issue of governance of the economic value of carbon pre- and post-issuance of presidential regulation number 98 of 2021 and regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry number 21 of 2022 concerning the implementation of the economic value of carbon. The potential of forests and land must be maximized through integration and regional action plans. The implementation of carbon economy activities, so far, is still voluntary. Using juridical doctrinal research methods, with a library research approach. Furthermore, it uses secondary data sources in the form of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials, and is analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the first study, the management of the carbon economy pre-Presidential Regulation Number 98 of 2021 jo Permenlhk Number 21 of 2022, has been implemented for approximately 15 years and is voluntary by community groups / communities of environmental activists, both with the mechanism of the Vivo Plan scheme and other schemes. Its activities are two parties (business to business), namely the community and foreign investors. Second, the issuance of Presidential Regulation Number 98 of 2021 and Permenlhk Number 21 of 2022, so carbon economic activities carried out before the regulation was born, are required (mandatory) to make adjustments through the National Registry System for Climate Change Control (SRN PPI) scheme. The birth of aquo regulation, providing legal certainty for the implementation of the economic value of carbon in Indonesia

    Strategi Kampanye hingga Peran Partai pada Pencalonan Legislatif Petahana dan Pendatang Baru Tahun 2019

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    This research examines the campaign strategies of incumbent and newcomer legislative candidates to discover the differences or similarities in campaign strategies in the context of the 2019 elections. Through this research, the author also seeks to understand the role of political parties in nominating their members as legislative representatives. This study utilizes a qualitative descriptive method with a case study approach. Data collection techniques were conducted through interviews using the political marketing 4P approach: Product, promotion, price, and place. This research shows exciting differences in the political marketing 4P theory, specifically in Product and Promotion. Incumbent candidates with a background in civil society successfully marketed their products (ideas and work programs) to the public through door-to-door interactions and campaign materials such as educational, political books, brochures, billboards, stickers, and social media. Meanwhile, new legislative candidates should have sold their work program or vision to the public. However, they relied solely on their popularity as a celebrity background and utilized social media as a tool to campaign as legislative candidates. The party's role in nominating a cadre to become a legislative member is optional. The party serves as a platform for administrative requirements and the identity of a cadre. The party does not provide financial support to the cadre but relies on individual funds or funds from other individuals. However, the party still has responsibilities, including guidance, monitoring, and evaluation

    Analisis Strategi Pengakhiran Program (Exit Strategy) pada Dua Program Pembangunan dengan Sumber Pembiayaan Lembaga Donor di Kabupaten Sumbawa (Studi Kasus Program NTAADP dan PIDRA)

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    Program pembangunan dengan pembiayaan oleh lembaga donor di Kabupaten Sumbawa cukup banyak. Skema pembiayaan ini dapat bersifat hibah maupun pinjaman. Program tersebut ada di sektor air bersih, pengurangan kemiskinan, kesehatan dan pengembangan usaha ekonomi masyarakat. Akan tetapi tidak banyak keberlanjutan setelah program tersebut berakhir. Kelembagaan masyarakat, infrstruktur dan modal kerja yang merupakan keluaran dari programprogram lembaga donor tersebut sebagian besar tidak berlanjut di masyarakat. Hal ini berakibat masyarakat dan negara sebagai penerima hibah maupun pinjaman dirugikan. Penelitian ini fokus pada dua program lembaga donor yakni NTAADP (Nusa Tenggara Agricultural Area Development Project) dan PIDRA (Participary Integrated Development in Rainfed Area) di Kabupaten Sumbawa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan indikator strategi pengakhiran program sebagai alat analisis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan alat bantu kuesioner sebagai salah satu instrument pengumpulan data. Strategi pengakhiran program NT AADP dan PIDRA kemudian dianalisis pada tahapan perencanaan pembangunan yakni;perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan monitoring evaluasi. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pada tahap perencanaan sebanyak 4% responden menilai strategi pengakhiran dilakukan dengan derajat tinggi dan sisanya sedang (16%), rendah (24%) dan bahkan tidak ada (56%). Pada tahapan pelaksanaan sebanyak 5% responden merasa strategi pengakhiran telah dilaksanakan dengan komprehensif. Pada tahapan monitoring evaluasi penilaian responden yang menganggap strategi pengakhiran tidak dilakukan (53%), adapun penilaian dengan derajat rendah 29%, sedang 15% dan tinggi 4%. Untuk itu, strategi pengakhiran merupakan salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan dalam rangka memastikan agar program pembangunan dapat berkelanjutan, terutama pada program pembangunan yang bersifat pemberdayaan masyarakat seperti Program NTAADP dan PIDRA. Dengan melalakukan desain strategi pengakhiran sejak awal

    Demokrasi Di Minangkabau

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    Participatory modelling to improve partnership schemes for future Community-Based Forest Management in Sumbawa District, Indonesia

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    As part of its Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM) Programme, the local government of Sumbawa District in West Nusa Tenggara Province of Eastern Indonesia initiated a partnership programme between the Forestry District Agency and tree grower cooperatives in 2002. The partnership scheme aims to reduce illegal logging and forest encroachment on abandoned state plantations initially developed in 1986. However, the cooperatives have no secure full rights to harvest the mature teak trees (Tectona grandis) inside the plantations, as important incentives to maintain their commitment. This paper aims to explore the potential benefits of different scenarios, as the basis for convincing the Ministry of Forestry (MoF) to give full secure rights to the local communities. In this study, we used a participatory modelling approach, to identify problems and to define future scenarios of partnership arrangements with the local key stakeholders. This research used the concept of system dynamics modelling, which included the two concepts of systems thinking and resilience. As a management tool, the visualisation of the management alternatives and their associated impacts had stimulated the community’s awareness of the importance of protecting the teak plantations from illegal logging and forest encroachment. The simulation results have also shown how granting local communities a full secure access to manage the state forest does not necessarily reduce the revenue for the government at all levels. 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserve

    Participatory modelling to improve partnership schemes for future Community-Based Forest Management in Sumbawa District, Indonesia

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    As part of its Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM) Programme, the local government of Sumbawa District in West Nusa Tenggara Province of Eastern Indonesia initiated a partnership programme between the Forestry District Agency and tree grower cooperatives in 2002. The partnership scheme aims to reduce illegal logging and forest encroachment on abandoned state plantations initially developed in 1986. However, the cooperatives have no secure full rights to harvest the mature teak trees (Tectona grandis) inside the plantations, as important incentives to maintain their commitment. This paper aims to explore the potential benefits of different scenarios, as the basis for convincing the Ministry of Forestry (MoF) to give full secure rights to the local communities. In this study, we used a participatory modelling approach, to identify problems and to define future scenarios of partnership arrangements with the local key stakeholders. This research used the concept of system dynamics modelling, which included the two concepts of systems thinking and resilience. As a management tool, the visualisation of the management alternatives and their associated impacts had stimulated the community's awareness of the importance of protecting the teak plantations from illegal logging and forest encroachment. The simulation results have also shown how granting local communities a full secure access to manage the state forest does not necessarily reduce the revenue for the government at all levels